It is interesting to
recall the financial arrangements of the Lodge in 1766. At this time, and for 40 years afterwards,there were no Banks in
Dalkeith, and the Lodge funds were partly kept in the Box and partly by Members, who gave
bills against the sums received by them. This Old Box Required two Keys to open and is, I
believe, the explanation why there are still two Key-keepers amongst our Office-bearers,
though the duties of their office have long passed away. Thus the Master at one of the
Meetings expressed himself as well satisfied with the arrangements and deputed Brother
David Crichton, the clerk, to receive the sums contained in the subscription bills and
"hoped every Brother would voluntarily and readily discharge the sum annexed to his
name".Behind the Masters Chair is a cavity in the stone work of the building.The door
is made of iron and requires two keys to open. Into this cavity fits exactly the original
strong box of the lodge,which also requires two keys to open, and as already stated, the
keys were kept by different brethren. There must have been considerable inconvenience when
access was required to the Box and one or other of the Key Keepers was not present. |