After ye gaed awa last night
We found oorsels in sic a plight
We found yed payed what was oor due
I didna think ye were sae fou
Accept apolgies frae No 10
Wha like to treat their guests like men
And trust their Brethern on the square
And gie them aye becoming fare
Oor steward maun hae be confused
But I maun tell ye hes no used
To take from guests what we should pay
And that yell find anither day
Perhaps I should hae gien direction
For want O which I need correction
However that
maybe, I send
Enclosed wi this tae mak amend
A potsal order in your name
Which you can say frae Tam Smith came
Come oot again when we hae berries
And summer weather and brae cherries
And Brother Barton ye maun bring
If hell no dance we mak him sing
I ken straeberries mak him frisky
And well gie him guid Scotch whiskey
But mind neist time ye pass oor pillar
Ye leave ahint yoursels your sillar
But come ye soon or come ye late
Well gie a welcome No 8 |