Lodge Dalkeith Kilwinning No. 10

Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland

Constituted 21st December 1724

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St Andrew's Night

The attention of the Lodge was then called to the Festival of St Andrew and the manner in which it ought to be observed regarding which a lively discussion took place and the following motions were made:

  1. Proposed by Bro. McLean and Seconded by Bro. Nicol, that it ought to be celebrated by a supper of beef and greens.
  1. Proposed by Bro. Dyer and Seconded by Bro. Kent, "that the Festival of St John being so near, on which occasion there is usually a supper, and as it has been customary to have pies on St Andrew's night that we have pies as usual.'
  1. Proposed by Bro. Napier and Seconded by Bro. Adamson, 'that we have cakes and cheese'.


On the various motions being put to the vote they stood as follows:-

  • Cakes and cheese 3
  • Pies 9
  • Beef and greens 9

The last two being equal, the R.W.M. gave his casting vote in favour of the pies, which was accordingly carried.

Some little discussion ensued as to who ought to bake the said pies. It was resolved to settle it by votes also and the following were proposed:

1 . Proposed by Bro. Nichol and Seconded by Bro. Garnock That Kemp bake the pies

  1. Proposed by Bro. Napier andSeconded by Bro. Dyer That Bro. Cockburn be the baker
  2. Proposed by Bro. Chisholm and Seconded by Bro. McLean That Bro. Robertson be the baker

The poll stood as follows:

Robertson 11

Kemp 2

Cockburn 5

giving a majority of 6 in favour of Bro. Robertson.

Various prices having been suggested, that was also regulated by votes as under

  • That the price be 4d' Proposed by Bro. Chisholm and Seconded by Bro. Garnock
  • That the price be 3d' Proposed by Bro. Napier and Seconded by Bro. Turner
  • That the price be 6d' Proposed by Bro. Kent and Seconded by Bro. McLean

Brother Kent's motion was carried by a large majority.

There is another custom of the Lodge that the widows of the Lodge on 'Pie Night' receive a pie, delivered to their home. It has been told by one of the Lodge's oldest members that apart from the widows receiving pies, the brethren could order pies and have them delivered when they were at the Lodge at the celebration. I wish to draw attention to the widows receiving pies - this has now been taken over by a parcel on St Andrew's Day.